Ballroom DANCING Education
With Realistic App

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Apr 10, 2024

Image by studiogstock on Freepik

Get to learn dancing with our app

Animated Characters Dance, Teach

Learn from the best dance teachers, the best way. The making of animations were supervised by a dance trainer.

It’s not like being in a dance class, but better than watching a video.

Structure of Dance Choreographies

Basic (1-2 figures) - available in app for free

Beginner (approx. 8 figures)
Intermediate (approx. 12 figures)
Advanced (approx. 16 figures)

Planned ballroom dances

It is a multiplatform app development for Android, Windows and IOS devices.
Once the cha-cha application is finished, other dance applications can be created by replacing animations. For example, samba, salsa, jive, rumba, waltz (slow, fast), tango, quickstep, etc.

Stages of Appication Development

Opening Of Homepage

Opening Of Homepage

News 05/06/2024 Opening of Homepage The basic functionality of the website is already available and I am developing it in parallel with the application.I think it is important to start promotion in time, even if the development of the application is still at a very early stage. I would like you to contribute your ideas and opinions to the development. If you are able, please support the development financially
Solving Basic Control Of Animation, Music And Camera View

Solving Basic Control Of Animation, Music And Camera View

News 04/25/2024 Solving Basic Control Of Animation, Music And Camera View Development is in a very-very early stage. I have only tried and solved the basic functions expected from the application. Such as:• I can keep the animation in sync with the music• I can keep the pair in contact (e.g. two handshakes, hand on shoulder, hand on shoulder blade) during their animation• animations can be looped• movement can be stopped with the pause function• the dance can be viewed from various angles during movement (switching the camera viewpoint)• camera can be moved in 3D space The windows installer for the alpha version can be downloaded here for registered users The following tasks I’m planning to implement: • synchronize several dance animations without breaking points• changing face and speech animation while dancing• dance figure selector, choreography mode• in-app purchases (beginner, intermediate, advanced packages)• development of the dance floor environment• use of dance mirror (multiple views)

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You must register if you want to use the following options

  • Receive notifications about changes to the development
  • Download the latest version of the free app
  • Join the beta testing of the app
  • Share your suggestions and feedback with the developer
  • To purchase software from the online store that will open later

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Dance Trainer


Dance Trainer